Do You Have to Take a Magnesium Supplement?
Today let’s discuss the importance of magnesium in the body and the potential risks and benefits of supplementation. I …
Today let’s discuss the importance of magnesium in the body and the potential risks and benefits of supplementation. I …
Is mushroom coffee healthy? Can you get the benefits from mushrooms alone? Let’s talk about the unique nutritional …
Intermittent fasting helps some people reduce their caloric intake, but the metabolic health benefits of intermittent …
Eating breakfast regularly reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and overall mortality, by …
Despite claims that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can substantially increase the blood glucose response to …
No, you don’t need to avoid foods that spike your blood sugar! We don’t want to avoid all carbs or even all sugar …
When it comes to whether or not deep-fried foods are bad for you, the science is unclear. While some studies show eating …
No, you don’t need to worry about mercury in seafood! While it’s true that seafood contains methylmercury, nearly all …
Wondering which mushroom is “best”? The answer is all types of mushrooms are super nutrient-dense and great for your …
No, you don’t have to worry about heavy metals in chocolate! While it’s true that chocolate contains some of the …
The Nutrivore is not corrected for bioavailability because it varies from individual to individual. Factors influencing …
Studies show multivitamin supplementation does not benefit our overall health even though obtaining nutrients from food …
Canned clam liquid (aka clam juice) has a Nutrivore Score of 14,744, making it the most nutrient-dense food in the …
Canned fruit and veggies can be even more nutrient-dense than fresh because they are picked at peak ripeness, maximizing …
Frozen fruit and veggies can be even more nutrient-dense than fresh because they are picked at peak ripeness, which …