The Team
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Brand Partnerships
Learn more about a brand partnership with Dr. Sarah, and apply.
Vision Statement
A world without diet-preventable chronic illness.
Mission Statement
Nutrivore seeks to improve scientific literacy surrounding public health topics, in order to empower the general public to make healthier day-to-day choices, outside of any specific dietary framework or the guilt cycle propelled by diet culture. Nutrivore will provide free unconditional access to comprehensive and scientifically-validated information to help inform the best nutrition and lifestyle choices for optimal human health. Nutrivore will further support this information with free practical implementation resources such as recipes and how-to guides.
Values Statement
Nutrivore’s work is guided and informed by our beliefs and commitments to:
- Inclusiveness – We respect all people, value diversity and are committed to equality and justice.
- Equality – We believe that health and wellness are human rights, and seek to remove the barrier of misinformation to making healthy day-to-day choices.
- Respect for Science – We always present scientific evidence without distortion of the data, within the context of the field of research and without cherry-picking, critically yet fairly and accurately, with acknowledgement of study limits and open questions, and with full attribution.
- Respect for You – We do not oversimplify science, but instead explain it thoroughly using accessible language, providing you with in-depth and thorough resources.
- Community – We are committed to nurturing and engaging a diverse, inclusive community dedicated to improving health and wellness through a science-backed, non-dogmatic, balanced, compassionate and accessible approach to diet and lifestyle.
- Mentorship – We support content creators in our community through mentorship, connection, and amplification.
- Collaboration – We are committed to a culture of teamwork, cooperation and collaboration within our company and in all partnerships.
- Leadership – We lead responsibly, ethically and authentically, and are accountable.
- Honesty & Integrity – We apply the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and transparency to every aspect of our work, including resource and content creation, communication, engagement, marketing, and brand partnerships.
- Quality – We strive for excellence in every resource created, and seek to continuously innovate our communication and education to increase efficacy, utility and reach.
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