Foods High in Choline
Choline serves several vital functions in the body, primarily contributing to the structure and function of cell …
Fun and concise articles and videos to learn more about the Nutrivore philosophy and its permissive (rather than restrictive) structure focused on getting all the nutrients our bodies need from the foods we eat.
Choline serves several vital functions in the body, primarily contributing to the structure and function of cell …
Vitamin A is essential for a number of physiological conditions. It’s important for vision, immune, and reproductive …
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin that plays a vital role in blood clotting. Getting enough helps improve heart health …
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) serves as a cofactor for numerous enzymes, which makes it vital for maintaining brain and …
Potassium is an essential mineral with roles in a wide variety of life-sustaining processes. It has a protective effect …
Zinc is an essential mineral with important roles in immune function and reproduction, along with delivering numerous …
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant important for immune function, along with delivering numerous other health benefits, …
Vitamin D plays a role in diverse functions. It’s important for protecting against chronic diseases, along with …
Calcium is a major structural component of bones and teeth, and an important electrolyte. It’s important for bone …
Iron is an essential mineral required for the metabolism of all living organisms. It plays an important role in …
Magnesium is an essential mineral needed by every cell in the body. It’s important for bone health and heart health, …
Dietary diversity refers to incorporating a wide variety of foods in your diet. Studies show that diets high in …
A balanced diet means eating a wide range of different foods such that we are consuming balanced macronutrients, which …
Nutrivore is a permissive dietary philosophy aimed at getting all the essential nutrients our bodies need from the foods …
When we're talking about protein as a nutrient, it doesn't matter if your protein consumption comes from animal foods or …
Today let’s discuss the importance of critical thinking and skepticism when evaluating nutrition information.I emphasize …
Today let’s discuss the potential health risks associated with consuming non-nutritive sweeteners and sugar. I agreed …
Today let’s discuss the challenges of making informed food choices in a society with conflicting nutrition advice. I …
Protein is essential for a balanced diet and overall health. Today let's discuss the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) …
Today I explain the difference between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, highlighting that fat-soluble vitamins …
Today let’s discuss the potential health risks associated with consuming grilled foods, particularly in regards to …
Today I emphasize the importance of balanced nutrition, limiting unhealthy ingredients like added sugars, saturated …
Today let’s discuss the nutritional benefits of legumes and the importance of gradual fiber intake for optimal gut …
Yes, collagen supplements have been shown to improve joint health and skin appearance. Let’s talk about the structural …