Improve Your Diet Without Restriction
by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD

Learn how to take a non-restrictive approach to eat nutrients, enjoy food, and live well.
In this 75-minute webinar with additional 30-minute Q&A, Dr. Sarah will teach you how use Nutrivore to boost nutrient intake without drastic changes, improve your relationship with food, evaluate your diet’s quality, and adopt a balanced, moderation-focused mindset for long-term success. Say goodbye to the guilt-blame cycle and discover a nourishing approach to eating.
If you’re tired of diets that leave you frustrated, this is your chance for a positive change. In this webinar, Dr. Sarah will guide you on improving your diet without all the restrictions. Discover how Nutrivore makes boosting nutrients easy, let go of judgment about what you eat, and learn to evaluate your diet for better choices. Find the nutrient-packed goodness in your daily meals and embrace a flexible approach to eating. Say goodbye to dieting guilt and discover the joy of nourishing your body without the constant struggle.
In this 75-minute webinar with additional 30-minute Q&A, Dr. Sarah will teach you how to
- use Nutrivore to easily increase nutrient intake without making drastic changes
- improve your relationship with food by removing moral judgments of foods
- evaluate the quality of your whole diet and identify nutrient shortfalls
- appreciate the foods you already eat that you may not realize are nutrient dense
- embrace a permissive dietary structure by identifying what you can add to your diet to fill in nutrient gaps
- set yourself up for long-term success by adopting a balanced diet and moderation mindset
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Essential Eating Patterns for Lifelong Health
by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD

Learn the three science-backed eating patterns that support lifelong health, regardless of what diet you follow.
In this 70-minute webinar with additional 30-minute Q&A, Dr. Sarah guides you to adopt these impactful eating patterns, embrace a permissive dietary structure, incorporate quality-of-life foods, and make small changes that collectively add up to make a substantial difference in your overall health.
Whether you’re already on a health journey or just beginning, discover the foundation of solid eating patterns that promote long-term success within any chosen diet. In this webinar, Dr. Sarah guides you to adopt these impactful eating patterns, embrace a permissive dietary structure, incorporate quality-of-life foods, and make small changes that collectively add up to make a substantial difference in your overall wellbeing. Say goodbye to diet confusion and hello to a sustainable, health-focused approach to eating.
In this webinar, Dr. Sarah will teach you how to
- adopt the top three eating patterns that have the biggest impact on overall health
- embrace a permissive dietary structure focused on long-term eating patterns rather than short-term restriction
- build in room for quality-of-life foods to make these patterns easier to maintain
- incorporate specific food groups can drastically improve your health
- adopt a balanced diet and moderation mindset with no food off the table
- focus on small diet changes that add up to make a big difference
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How to Track Nutrient Density
by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD

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Discover how nutrient dense your diet already is and how to fill in any nutrient gaps.
In this 110-minute webinar with 10-minute additional Q&A, Dr. Sarah will give you a new perspective on food choices via the Nutrivore Score, and teach you how to calculate your daily Nutrivore Score, intuitively create balanced meals with the Nutrivore Meal Map, and set achievable serving targets for foundational food families.
Learn how to assess the nutrient density of your diet, identify gaps, and make informed choices beyond traditional diet culture metrics. In this webinar, Dr. Sarah shows you how the Nutrivore Score give us a new perspective on food choices. Plus, you’ll discover how to calculate your daily Nutrivore Score, intuitively create balanced meals with the Nutrivore Meal Map, and set achievable serving targets for foundational food families. Say goodbye to rigid food tracking and embrace a moderation mindset for a healthier, more intuitive approach to nourishing your body and tracking nutrient density.
In this webinar, Dr. Sarah will teach you how to
- use the Nutrivore Score to identify the most nutrient-dense foods
- calculate your own daily Nutrivore Score
- use the Nutrivore Meal Map to eat balanced and nutrient-dense meals more intuitively
- identify nutritionally-distinct food families and understand their health benefits
- meet daily or weekly servings targets for the 12 Foundational Food families
- use food tracking and scoring without gamification or obsession
- embrace a moderation mindset and ditch past learned behavior around good and bad foods
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The Truth About Food Toxins
by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD

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Join Dr. Sarah for a webinar addressing the pressing topic of food toxins. We all have fallen, hook, line and sinker for at least some of the misinformation seeping out of the confusing morass of dietary guidelines, weight loss programs, fad diets, and the food phobic messaging from influencers and diet guru’s peddling in healthism and miracle cures.
Learn the truth about a dozen food toxin myths in this 80-minute video presentation, and dig into even more detail with the 32-page written summary that summarized key points and research presented with nearly 150 scientific citations.
Myths about food quality, toxins and antinutrients perpetuate healthism—the misnomers that a person’s health is entirely their responsibility, and that good health has moral value—by creating unrealistic standards and fueling the belief that only specific, often expensive, foods are deemed healthy, or that a costly supplement regime is a health necessity. The cacophony of food fearmongering out there may have you feeling confused about what foods are safe to eat, and pressured to conform to rigid notions of what constitutes “good” or “clean” eating. With all this conflicting information, it’s easy to become discouraged and find yourself in that vicious cycle of guilt, stress, and ultimately, unhealthy eating habits.
It is Dr. Sarah’s goal with this webinar to bust these food toxin myths that may be harming your relationship with food and contributing to disordered eating patterns. Moving forward requires taking a step back and letting go of value judgments about food that lack scientific support. Yet it’s crucial to emphasize that this isn’t about laying blame or feeling guilt, but rather about making room in our minds for a wealth of new, invaluable information focused on the positives that we can gain from a nutrient-focused approach like Nutrivore and where no food is off the table: Nourishment, not judgment.
The topics that Dr. Sarah covers in this webinar include:
- Lectins
- Phytates
- Oxalates
- Vegetable/Seed Oils
- Sweeteners
- Food Dyes
- Glycoalkaloids
- Heavy Metals
- Pesticides
- Goitrogens
- Phytoestrogens
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About Dr. Sarah
Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD is the founder of She creates educational resources to help people improve their day-to-day diet and lifestyle choices, empowered and informed by the most current evidenced-based scientific research. Dr. Sarah began her career as a science communicator and health educator when she launched her original website in 2011. Since then, Dr. Sarah has continued to follow the science—diving deep into immune health, metabolic health, gut microbiome health, nutritional sciences, and the compelling evidence for health at any size—while also observing the harm of healthism, diet culture, dogmatic misinformation and predatory marketing. With Nutrivore, Dr. Sarah seeks to create a positive and inclusive approach to dietary guidance, based in science and devoid of dogma, using nutrient density and sufficiency as its basic principles: Nourishment, not judgment.