Learn how to eat (not how to diet)…
Nutrivore® is simply the goal of getting all the nutrients your body needs from the foods you eat.
—Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD

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Get more nutrients while enjoying the foods you love with Nutrivore, a simple and flexible plan to fix your diet without dieting, from New York Times bestselling author Dr. Sarah Ballantyne.

What People Are Saying
I have gone from a junk food junkie, to a healthier conscious consumer of nutritional food. I guess you could call me a practicing Nutrivore!
Finally a way to learn about food in a way that isn’t toxic or gatekeepy or shameful. Thank you for this content!
Finally! This is the advice I can appreciate! Common sense with a little push to the best options. Thank you!
As a pharmacist, I love the quantitative information you are sharing on food. As a result of reading your numbers, I have made several dietary changes.
I treat Nutrivore as my bible for diet and lifestyle. When in doubt in terms of my diet, I head over to Nutrivore.com for guidance. The knowledge and vibe of Dr. Sarah helps me stay sane and feel centered.
I think it’s time people unlearn diet culture brainwashing—thank you for educating!
I never realized how important nutrients are and how intricately the body works!
I LOVE this new approach of giving our bodies the nutrients they need. Your guide to the most nutrient-dense foods makes total sense.