The Nutrivore Salad-a-Day Challenge is exactly what it sounds like. Just eat a salad every day (in addition to the food you already eat, of course). Any salad, really ANY SALAD, as long as it has a serving of greens. You might be used to a food/diet-based challenge that has “Yes” and “No” food lists, …
- Files
Nutrivore Salad-a-Day Challenge e-book (pdf)In the e-book, you will learn how a daily salad truly can change your life, plus you'll find 50+ recipes, including for over 30 of my favorite salads, plus delicious dressings and tasty toppers. Also included is a collection of 10 handy visual guides and food lists, like my Nutrivore Salad Matrix. ViewDownload
Nutrivore Salad-a-Day Challenge Printable Guides (pdf)All the visual guides from the Nutrivore Salad-a-Day Challenge e-book in one place for easy printing! Place your favorite guide(s) on your fridge or bring with you to the grocery store!ViewDownload
BONUS - Simple Salad Builder (pdf)Want to keep it even simpler? You can use this Simple Salad Builder one-pager to build tasty and nutrient-dense salads and you can even use it as a shopping list! ViewDownload