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Nutrivore is working!
Producer Potts 0:08
Sarah, before we get started with you answering common questions from the internet, I wanted to read a comment that I saw on your social media to get your reaction. So here’s what someone wrote,
Dr. Sarah 0:21
okay, I’m so scared you’re gonna pick it’s positive. It’s positive. Don’t worry. Okay, I was just like, terrified that you’re gonna read somebody saying, like, your new haircuts, ugly and I hate and then I was gonna have to say, it’s my hair. I could do whatever I want.
Producer Potts 0:37
I wouldn’t, I would not read you a comment like that. Okay, all right, okay, okay, here’s what this person wrote. “I’ve been using the nutrivore weekly serving matrix for two months. Wow. I’ve dropped 30 pounds. I’ve upped my protein, vitamin C and zinc. Best of all, my total cholesterol dropped from 245 to 175 and I feel great.”
Dr. Sarah 1:14
Wow. You should have saved that for the end of the recording, because now I’m like, I So theoretically, right then I know. I know how much math I did to develop the new to our weekly serving matrix. I know how much science underlies every single aspect of it. I know how solid it is in terms of a framework for informing food choices, making sure we’re getting dietary diversity, even making sure that we’re getting adequate hydration. I understand that it works right like I understand the theory, but to hear the feedback in practice, it’s achieving what it should do on paper is absolutely amazing. It’s so gratifying to hear someone use it and have, I mean, the weight loss, I think, is great. If that’s a goal for you, the cholesterol drops in two months, right? That from high to normal is just amazing. I’m again, right? I understand that. That’s the expectation. That’s what the science said of every little aspect that went into the niche for weekly serving matrix, to hear people using it and sticking with it for two months. I mean, that is my feedback to this commenter is like, take the credit, because you were the one in your grocery store, in your kitchen every day, making those food choices, checking off those boxes and being committed to changing your eating patterns, using the nutrient weekly serving matrix as a guide. But you were the one who actually did the change. You were the one who actually did the hard work. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna get a round of applause. I love that. For, for, for the commenter, for, you know, for sticking to it and and and, and doing that work. And I’m, I’m very pleased that the framework worked for this commenter and that it was so effective in such a short period of time. I guess this is a great opportunity to tell people where they can get the neutral weekly serving matrix. If everyone else is like that, I would like my cholesterol to go down 60 points in two months. Yes, please. So the neutral weekly serving matrix is basically the summary graphic culmination of the information in my book nutrivore. So you have a four page guide in this book that is basically, I’m like, I’m pretty sure I have it bookmarked. So it is a four page guide that is the summary of the entire book, which is the neutral weekly survey matrix, and there’s a QR code on page 239 I have it posted, noted out in this little preview, because the social medias do not like you showing QR codes in videos. And if you scan that QR code, you can fill out a form, and I email you a one page version that’s easy to print off of the neutral weekly serving matrix that’s a little bit more practical than photocopying two different two page spreads every single week from the book. So it’s included in the book. The book is available wherever books are sold, so that. Yeah, that’s one way to get it. The other way to get it. If you don’t want the book, or you want to support your local library, you can still scan the QR code, actually, if you get this out at the library. So still do that if, if you do but the other thing that you can do is you can buy a digital product on it’s called the nutrivore weekly serving matrix, and it includes the one page printable guide, but also the serving size cheat sheet, the Nutribullet meal map as separate printables and a like instruction guide that kind of gives you the summary of the science that goes into it, as well as like food lists, what counts for, what answers lots of frequently asked questions. So that is also available on which is the other way to get it. And if you don’t like any of that, none of the serving targets are secret like that. The information is not something that I am like, only sticking behind a paywall. So the information is all freely available on go to the foundational foods icon and read through that page, read through the sub pages for each foundational food. So all of the how much of each food, what counts with each food? Food List, all of that is also on the website. And then you could make your own version of the checklist, if you would like. So if you don’t want the digital product or the book, or if that’s not in your budget, your local library doesn’t have it, you can still kind of create your own version of it with the information on the website.